Regarding the handling of Personal Information

If you have applied for the employment support services provided by Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan K.K., please review the information regarding the Handling of Personal Information below.

1. Name of the business handling Personal Information

Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan K.K.

Izumi Garden Tower 38F 1-6-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-6038 Japan

2. Personal Information Protection Administrator

We have assigned the following as the department in charge of the protection of Personal Information obtained for the purpose of providing employment support services to applicants, to ensure that Personal Information is appropriately and safely managed and protected:

Data Protection Management Department
Data Protection Officer

T: 03 3560 1188 E:

3. Purpose of using Personal Information 

We will collect Personal Information for the purpose of introducing employment opportunities to applicants according to their requests and providing information regarding applicants to hiring companies which includes Hays and joint use between our group companies.
It is up to the applicant to decide whether or not to provide Personal Information to our company, however, if the necessary information is not provided, the applicant may be disadvantaged in the process of introducing hiring companies. For more details of our purpose of using personal information, please refer to our privacy policy at Hays website.

4. Providing Personal Information to third parties

The Personal Information received from applicants will be used within the scope of above mentioned use purposes, and the applicant’s personal information will not be disclosed or provided to a third party without the applicant’s previous consent having been obtained, even if the information will be used within the scope of the use purposes.

Please note that your Personal Information will be provided to companies seeking employment as described below:

  • Purpose of providing information to third parties: To create job opportunities for job seekers
  • Items of personal information to be provided: Age, gender, final educational background, work history, skills, desired conditions, etc
  • Means or method of providing: By e-mail or other electromagnetic means, verbally, by hand, in writing, etc
  • The type and attributes of the organization of the recipient: Companies, organizations, etc that wish to recruit via our company

5. Outsourcing the handling of Personal Information

We may outsource your Personal Information to trusted third parties in order to partially or fully outsource our employment support service operations.

6. Joint use of Personal Information

We may jointly use Personal Information within Hays PLC group of companies (including subsidiaries and holding companies of Hays PLC). In the case of joint use, an " Agreement regarding joint use " is concluded between the group companies involved in the joint use.
※ Country and Name of Hays PLC group of companies and data protection regulations of each country provided by the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data 
  • United Kingdom: Hays Specialist Recruitment Limited
  • Australia: Hays Specialist Recruitment Australia Pty. Ltd. (Subject to Revision)
  • India: Hays Business Solutions Private Limited (Subject to Revision)
  • Malaysia: Agensi Pekerjaan Hays (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (Subject to Revision)
  • The entries which may be shared within Hays PLC group of companies include: Name, mailing address, phone number, email address, other information written in the curriculum vitae
  • The purpose of the joint use: Administrative and data processing support for the operation of permanent recruitment services and temporary staffing recruitment services and other ancillary work
  • Personal Information Management Administrator: 
  • Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan. K.K.
  • Izumi Garden Tower 38F, 1-6-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-6038
  • Marc Burrage, Managing Director for Asia
  • Obtaining method: Obtaining documents directly from the person (input from forms, mailing, email transmission, etc)

7. Procedures for responding to requests for disclosure, etc. of Personal Information

To request notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction/addition/deletion, request for suspension of use of retained personal data, and disclosure of records provided by third parties, please contact the department indicated below. After confirming your identification and your request, we will perform the procedure without delay.

Data Protection Management Department
Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan K.K.
Izumi Garden Tower 38F, 1-6-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-6038
Tel: 03 3560 1188

8. Contact Person regarding Personal Information

Please address any inquiries, complaints, etc regarding Personal Information protection to the following department:
Data Protection Management Department
T: 03 3560 1188


© October 2024


Established: May 1, 2006/Revised: July 1, 2021
Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan K.K.
Grant Torrens, Managing Director
  • Our mission is to be lifelong partners for our customers – clients and candidates. As a company involved in employee placement and staffing business specializing in 13 specialisms such as finance, science and technology industries, we recognize that the careful handling of personal information and protection of individual rights and benefits are our important social responsibility and we will address implementation of personal information protection by developing and complying with the personal information protection management systems in accordance with the Japanese Industrial Standard JIS Q 15001:2017.Your information may be submitted to us or generated through your visit and use of our service and the internet. For information which is not deemed personal information, we will collect, use and process pursuant to applicable laws. Regarding the information, which is personal information, this Privacy Policy will apply
  • Please carefully and fully read and understand this privacy policy. Continuing use of any of our services or submitting your personal information through any of our data collection channels or tools will be deemed as your explicit agreement to this Hays’ Privacy Policy (as well as any amendments made by Hays from time to time) and its governance of your related personal data
  • Upon collecting personal information, we will clarify the purpose of use thereof as much as possible and will use such personal information by lawful and fair means to the extent necessary for fulfilling such purpose
  • We will limit the use of an individual’s personal information within the scope of the purpose that is specified, notified or announced to such individual and will implement measures to prevent the use of such personal information outside the scope of such purpose
  • Upon providing or outsourcing the handling of an individual’s personal information to a third party, we will do so in a lawful manner within the scope of the purpose of use agreed to by such individual
  • We will implement safety measures including information security measures to ensure the accuracy of personal information and the safety of the use thereof, and will make efforts to prevent unauthorized access to and leakage, loss, or damage of personal information and to improve security
  • We will respect all rights of each individual who provides his/her personal information, and when the individual requests us to disclose, correct or delete, or discontinue using or providing his/her personal information, we will duly comply with such request and will appropriately respond to complaints or consultation
  • We will sufficiently comply with laws, government guidelines and other regulations regarding the handling of personal information
  • We will provide appropriate instructions and training to all employees handling personal information, and will periodically audit the operational status of, and review, the personal information protection management systems to ensure continuing improvement and enhancement of the system
For more information contact:
Data Protection Management Department
Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan K.K. 

Tel: 03 3560 1188 

Handling of personal information 

We covenant that we will carefully handle and appropriately protect personal information in accordance with the privacy policy as well as protecting privacy.
By submitting your application to us or continuing to use any of our websites or applications, you are agreeing to your personal information being forwarded or transmitted to our offices or entrusted service providers, including those internationally and where you have applied for a specific role, to employers in that country.
Moreover, there may be cases where we need to provide to an external organization statistics data based on personal information including the estimated number of users, average age, place of residence as collective data (not individual data). This type of information greatly helps us enhance the content of the services we provide to our users.
The purpose of collecting personal information is, among others, to continually provide professional and efficient services. The information collected will be utilized to provide employment application opportunities and will enable us to know the contact information of applicants.
We may record calls for the purposes of maintaining records, training, and quality assurance. Please note that when you access our website, information such as the IP address of your internet service provider and the date and connecting time will be stored on our web server. We hereby notify you as follows with respect to personal information we collect or retain for the business purposes.

Purpose of using personal information

We collect or retain personal information as part of our business activities for the following purposes.
The purpose of use of personal information that was obtained directly in writing
  • To contact a customer to provide services requested by the customer
  • To provide information, contact and give notice to a job applicant
  • For screening of applicants and processing thereof
  • For human resource management within our company after the successful applicant joins our company
  • To process notification and proceedings to authorities concerned regarding management of employees and benefit, work safety and tax practice for the benefit of employees
  • To respond to various inquiries (inquirer information)
  • For business communication regarding recruitment requests (information on the person in charge of the recruiting company)
  • In addition to the above, for business communication and transmission of information regarding the businesses of our company

The purpose of use of personal information that was obtained in a way other than directly in writing

  • To contact a customer to provide services that they may desire
  • To handle matters that have become necessary following applications and responses by telephone
  • For contacting the owner of the personal information and conveying messages by letter, facsimile, email, telephone or orally
  • To use personal information within the scope of compliance with laws and guidelines regarding personal information protection
  • For provision to a person with a lawful entitlement to obtain the information
  • In addition to the above, for business communication and transmission of information regarding the businesses of our company
For more information about personal information, please contact:
Data Protection Management Department
Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan K.K.
Tel: 03 3560 1188

Outsourcing the handling of Personal Information

We may outsource or jointly use Personal Information with Hays PLC group of companies (including subsidiaries and holding companies of the Hays PLC) in order to partially or fully outsource our employment support service operations. In such a case of joint use by a trusted third party, our company will execute an agreement regarding the protection of Personal Information with outsourced party or the joint use party and strictly manage the handling of Personal Information.

Protection of Personal Information with the joint use party

We may jointly use Personal Information within Hays PLC group of companies (including subsidiaries and holding companies of Hays PLC).
Country and Name of Hays PLC group of companies
  • United Kingdom: Hays Specialist Recruitment Limited
  • Australia: Hays Specialist Recruitment Australia Pty. Ltd.
  • India: Hays Business Solutions Private Limited
  • The entries which may be shared within Hays PLC group of companies include: Name, mailing address, phone number, email address, other information written in the curriculum vitae
  • The purpose of the joint use: Provision of permanent recruitment services, provision of temporary recruitment services in part, and other associated business services
  • Personal Information Management Administrator:
  • Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan. K.K.
  • Izumi Garden Tower 38F, 1-6-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-6038
  • Marc Burrage, Managing Director for Asia
  • Obtaining method: Obtaining documents directly from the person (input from forms, mailing, email transmission, etc.)
For more information about personal information, please contact:
Data Protection Management Department
Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan K.K.
Tel: 03 3560 1188

Supervision of employees and entrusted parties

We may entrust the handling of Personal information in part or in full, for example, in relation to the following operations:
  • Collection and processing of any information submitted or generated through use of our websites or applications by you
  • Operations in relation to the running and management of our websites


This website uses services provided by Hotjar Ltd. Hotjar provides services including Heatmaps, Visitor recordings, Funnels and Form Analysis, Feedback Polls, Surveys and Recruiters. The information generated by the tracking code and cookie about your use of the website will be transmitted to and stored by Hotjar on servers in Ireland. Through the Hotjar tracking code the information collected includes:

Device-specific data

The following information may be collected through your device and browser:
  • Your device's IP address (collected and stored in an anonymized format)
  • Your email address including first name and surname
  • Device screen size
  • Device type (unique device identifiers) and browser information
  • Geographic location (country only)
  • Preferred language used to display the web page

Log data

Our servers automatically record information which is created upon using Hotjar. Data includes:
  • Referring domain
  • Pages visited
  • Geographic location (country only)
  • Preferred language used to display the webpage
  • Date and time when website pages were accessed

Hotjar will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Hotjar uses a variety of services hosted by third parties, such as Google Analytics and Optimizely. These services may collect information sent by your browser as part of a web page request, such as cookies or your IP request. For information on how Google Analytics and Optimizely collect and use your information, please refer to their privacy policies. By continuing to use this website, you consent to your personal information to be transmitted to Hotjar and the processing of the above data by Hotjar and by the third parties used by Hotjar in accordance with this privacy policy and their respective privacy policies. The cookies used by Hotjar have differing durations; some are 365 days; some persist for the session only.

To opt out please go to the following link:

Name of the business handling Personal Information

Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan K.K.
Izumi Garden Tower 38F, 1-6-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-6038


Procedures to meet requests for disclosure, etc. of personal information

Matters regarding disclosure of retained personal data or records provided by third parties, etc.

Regarding retained personal data held by our company or records provided by third parties, we shall notify the person or his/her representative (legal representative or delegated representative) of the purpose of use, disclose, and correction, addition or deletion of contents, suspension of use, deletion, suspension of provision to third parties, and disclosure of records provided by third parties (hereinafter referred to as "disclosure, etc."), and we will respond to your requests according to the following procedure.

Where to make requests for disclosure, etc.

Data Protection Management Department
Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan K.K.
Izumi Garden Tower 38F, 1-6-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-6038
Tel: 03 3560 1188

Format of documents to be submitted when requesting disclosure, etc. and other methods for requesting disclosure, etc.

If you would like to request disclosure, etc., please submit the request to the address above. We will send you a form called “Disclosure Request - Japan.” Please fill out the necessary information, attach the required document, and submit by email. There are no charges for billing, etc.

How to confirm that the person making the request for disclosure, etc. is the principal or the agent

Please attach a copy of your driver's license or other documents (such as an ID with a photo attached) to confirm your identity. In addition, if the request is made by a representative, please also attach documents that can confirm that the representative is the person himself/ herself and a power of attorney.
After confirming that you are the person himself/ herself or your representative, we will return the documents together with the “Response to request for disclosure.''

Information regarding personal data held by our company or records provided by third parties

1. Name and address of the organization and name of the representative
Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan. K.K.
Izumi Garden Tower 38F, 1-6-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-6038
Marc Burrage, Managing Director for Asia
2. Personal Information protection administrator and contact information
Data Protection Management Department
Data Protection Officer
Tel: 03 3560 1188
3. Purpose of use of all retained personal data
 As stated in "Handling of Personal Information" and "Purpose of using Personal Information (The purpose of use of personal information that was obtained directly in writing).”
4. Measures taken for security management of retained personal data
 We take optimal safety management measures by identifying specific risk sources that constitute personal information protection risks for retained personal data and evaluate and decide measures to eliminate or reduce them from an organizational, human, physical, and technical perspective.
5. Matters regarding the contact point for “complaints”
For complaints regarding our handling of Personal Information, please contact:
Data Protection Management Department
Hays Specialist Recruitment Japan K.K.
Izumi Garden Tower 38F, 1-6-1, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-6038
Tel: 03 3560 1188
(Name of the accredited Personal Information protection body to which Hays belongs)
Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community
Personal Information Protection Complaint Desk
Roppongi First Bldg. 12F, 1-9-9, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032, Japan
Tel: 03-5860-7565/ 0120 700 779
(This is not the contact for inquiries on services of Hays or return)
© October 2023

For candidates using Hays Globalink services, please refer to our UK privacy policy here.