
インタビュー:「科学は楽しい……この分野に来てみない?」東京大学 大学院総合文化研究科 四本裕子教授

インタビュー:「無意識の偏見を取り除こう」東北大学副学長 大隅典子教授

ヘイズ・ジャパンは、10月10日の世界メンタルヘルスデーを支援するため、3年連続で「メンタルウェルネスウィーク」を開催し、従業員の心の健康をサポートしています。今年のテーマは、「Embracing Mental Health and Wellbeing Together(メンタルヘルスやウェルビーイングに前向きに取り組む)」。健康的なライフスタイルを実践し、自分の気持ちを見つめ直し、セルフケアを行うよう、社員に呼びかけました。 続きを読む

在宅勤務とオフィス勤務を組み合わせてハイブリッド型勤務の普及が進んでいます。2つの環境で並行して働くことで、ストレスが増したと感じる方もいらっしゃるかもしれません。あなたは、「毎日の就業時間があと2時間長ければ…」と考えてしまったことはありませんか。 続きを読む








「面接前で気持ちが落ち着かない」、「他の候補者は全員私よりも優れているに違いない」、「ビデオ面接なんて経験したことがない。失敗しそう」、「新型コロナウィルスの影響が心配。面接に悪い影響が出たらどうしよう」。面接にはさまざまな不安がつきものです。 続きを読む



How can you Look After your Mental Health as a Temp Worker?
Maintaining good mental health is, of course, a challenge for all of us. However, a study from McGill University in Canada found that people who were engaged in temporary, contract or casual fixed-term positions were more susceptible to poor mental health than those in long-term, stable employment...Read more

Introducing the Top Tech Jobs of 2021
2020 has been an unprecedented year for technology. The disruption caused by COVID-19 quickly forced organisations to reprioritise their technology objectives and strategies overnight to enable them to operate in a newly remote environment... Read more

How Business Leaders can Rethink Their Talent Management for the New Era of Work
Having transitioned from the chaos we faced in the early days of the pandemic – establishing a ‘new normal’ of remote working, changes in working arrangements, and fighting to keep businesses afloat – leaders in many organisations are looking at how they can be prepared for an uncertain future... Read more

Lights, Camera, Action: How to Impress in Your Video Interview
For some, the perceived lack of real interpersonal interaction during a video interview can be a cause for anxiety. Body language accounts for a large part of communication, and without it the ability to express ourselves decreases significantly... Read more

Want to Work Remotely All the Time? Consider These Nine Things First
The dramatic changes brought to our working world by the COVID-19 crisis led to an overnight increase in remote working. However, as we transition into a new era of work, rather than returning to ‘9-5’ office-based work, remote work is looking likely to become far more common... Read more

How Tech can Help Prepare Us for More Covid Disruption
Disruption is second nature to IT teams. Even before COVID-19 hit, dealing with unforeseen change and innovating in response to it was part of their day-to-day – it was their bread and butter. After all, it’s change and disruption that often fuels the need for technological solutions... Read more

How to Find a New Job During a Pandemic or Recession

Worried About Starting your New Job Remotely? Here's how to make Sure it Goes Smoothly
The fact that you’re reading this blog indicates you may have accepted a new job offer recently, so congratulations! If the current circumstances mean you’ll be starting your new role remotely, it’s important for you to understand how your onboarding process may differ from one that is office-based, whilst doing all you can to ensure you start your new role as positively as possible... Read more
How to Prioritise the Wellbeing of your People in a Hybrid Workplace
The lockdown period has been a learning curve for both businesses and professionals. We have had to learn how to use new technologies and how to remain productive when outside of the office, all whilst consciously supporting one another’s mental health and wellbeing. Everybody’s experience of lockdown has been unique to them, with many facing daily challenges that have had the... Read more
The Five Interview Questions you Must Ask to Secure the Best Candidate in the Next Era of Work
As governments around the world slowly start to ease lockdown restrictions, for many leaders, focus is now firmly on how to return to growth when operating with backdrop of uncertainty and unease. This is a monumental challenge, but we can rise to it if we utilise our organisation’s most valuable asset – our people... Read more
Four Tips to Help you Deliver Training to Remote and Hybrid Teams
The COVID-19 pandemic has touched all areas of business. It has meant organisations and workers alike have had to adapt and be agile to deliver, in some cases, the same job they had been doing one way for some time.Delivering training is no different and in this new era of work, having a robust training programme will be fundamental to helping organisations to adapt to and embrace... Read more
The Post-Covid-19 Workplace: Will it Suit your Working Style?
Continuing physical distancing measures will see your former open-plan office layout replaced with a new seating plan, separated desks and dividers. It will likely lead to you returning to your workplace on a roster system with staggered start and finish times. There will also be fewer in-person meetings and informal brainstorming sessions around a colleague’s computer. In short, the... Read more
How to Craft your Job Post COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced organisations to undergo significant change and adjust to an unexpected new reality. From adapting products or services to adopting new technology to run their business, in a matter of weeks organisations have undergone levels of change that, pre-crisis, we wouldn’t have thought possible in years. Consequently, the people working in these... Read more
What is a Hybrid Team and how do I Lead One?
With restrictions around the world beginning to slowly ease, and home working set to become more normalised, many leaders have understandably been wondering how their teams will operate post-crisis. Much of the answer to this question is currently unclear... Read more